Terms of Use


Confidentiality is an important aspect of our work together. This means that under normal circumstances no one outside Source of Yoga is given any information without your expressed written consent. My primary goal is to provide you with a safe environment in which you feel comfortable to discuss topics you’d like to review.


Fees and Cancellation policy

The client is responsible for attending sessions on time, and at the time scheduled. If a session is missed within 24 hours of appointment, this session will still be charged at pre-agree rate. Exception to this rule may apply depending on conditions i.e. for inclement weather or in the case of illness.

You are responsible for paying for services received.  Invoices are emailed within 24 hours after your session. 

You are responsible for payment within 14 days. Any unpaid fees will be charged accumulating late fees (2% surcharge per week delay). If the client refuses to pay, the client’s name may be provided to a collection agency to assist in debt collection.


Feedback and Complaints

Feedback and quality about the services you receive are welcome, please contact me.  Source of Yoga aims to create a space of authenticity, trust and safety.  Feedback is welcomed on all terms and Source of Yoga also can recommend other providers offering similar services if content is not aligned with what can be offered by Source of Yoga.